Customer Testimonials

What our clients have said about FBN

We asked some of our clients to tell us - honestly - why they use FBN Software. This is what they told us...

IMS provides appointments and document management for the medical aspects of the insurance sector.

Reliable, quick and effective

"We use - and will continue to use - FBN's services because they're quick and effective in sorting out any problems we encounter. We can't afford to suffer downtime or problems; having someone reliable on call who knows our systems inside out and whom we know well makes our job much easier."

Menchie Wells - IT Manager, IMS

Warnford Investments is a long-established property investment company that owns and manages a portfolio of commercial and residential properties predominantly in Central London.

Someone you know and trust...

"Some years ago we became aware that for several years previously we'd been paying far too much for indifferent, slow and frequently costly IT services and support. We need our IT to be 100% reliable so we can get on with our own business. We needed reliable and cost-effective expertise.

After trying several other support companies we eventually found FBN who have proved to be everything we needed and wanted. Now we concentrate on our own business without worries over our IT.

It's extremely comforting to know that when you have a problem with your IT systems, which inevitably you will, you have someone you know and trust who can and will solve it for you."

Barry Davis - Finance Director, Warnford Investments

King & Shaxson has a history going back to the 19th century. Specialising in financial services, it has built up a strong track record in the running of institutional assets.

The London businesses of King & Shaxson are owned by PhillipCapital, which employs around 3,000 people worldwide.

Pro-active problem solving

"As a company we're the result of a series of mergers, demergers and buyouts within the financial sector. Finding good IT and support people who already understand the requirements and complexities of these markets can often be a nightmare.

We inherited FBN's contracted services and we've never regretted their involvement with us. They already understand our mindset and ways of working, they provide a regular and high quality level of maintenance and, perhaps more importantly, they're pro-active in identifying and resolving problems before they occur, which gives us significant levels of future proofing."

Barry Morris - Director, King and Shaxson Ltd